Personal Style

Unlock Your Beauty Potential Across Every Age and Life Transition

Hello and welcome to Giselle’s world of personality styling.

Your personal style is more than just external; it’s deeply internal, reflecting your unique essence and lifting you up to be your best self.

It’s like your fashion fingerprint, revealing your tastes, lifestyle, and true essence to the world.

Instead of chasing fleeting fashion trends, it’s time to confidently showcase your genuine self.

Have you ever found yourself staring at your closet feeling uninspired?

Or tried to pull off a trendy look, only to feel like it wasn’t quite “you”?

You’re not alone!

Your confidence soars when your outfit mirrors your inner radiance. And believe me, there’s a perfect ensemble waiting to unleash your full potential.

Style isn’t about spending a fortune or keeping up with every passing trend. It’s about embracing your authenticity and curating a wardrobe that screams “you” from every angle.


Break free from the cycle of buying unflattering clothing.

Uncover a diverse array of styles that perfectly complement your individuality and body shape.

Take charge of your wardrobe and elevate your everyday style.



Fashion Iris Apfel ( born 1922 – till March 1st, 2024 at the age of 102)

This quote reflects Iris Apfel’s unique perspective on style, individuality, and self-expression.


You must look in the mirror and see yourself. If it feels good, then I know it’s for me. I don’t dress to be stared at; I dress for myself

– Iris Apfel



Giselle’s journey of self-discovery began during her style training in 2005, where she identified her personality style as a Natural – Creative.

This revelation profoundly resonated with her, shaping not only her fashion choices but also her approach to home decor.

Remaining steadfast in her personality styling choices to this day, Giselle finds them to authentically reflect her true self.

She holds deep admiration for Iris Apfel, a fashion icon celebrated for her fearless approach to style. Giselle draws inspiration from Iris’s unwavering commitment to individuality and self-expression. Recognizing the transformative power of personal style, Giselle endeavors to empower her clients to embrace and celebrate their uniqueness.


By taking the first step on this journey, you’re not just investing in your wardrobe; you’re investing in yourself.

After engaging in one of our transformative personal styling sessions, women often experience profound inner shifts that significantly elevate their self-perception and confidence. Through our empowering sessions, they unlock their unique style and embrace it wholeheartedly, leading to a newfound sense of self-assurance and empowerment.


These inner happenings may include:

1. Increased Self-Confidence: Discovering and embracing their personal style empowers women to feel more confident in themselves and their appearance.

2. Enhanced Self-Acceptance: Understanding their body shape and learning how to dress it in a flattering way can lead to greater self-acceptance and appreciation of their unique features.

3. Improved Self- Esteem: Gaining knowledge about color analysis and wardrobe essentials can boost self-esteem as women feel more knowledgeable and capable of making stylish choices.

4. Sense of Empowerment: Taking control of their personal style journey and expressing themselves authentically can instill a sense of empowerment.

5. Inner Creativity: Exploring different style options and experimenting with new looks can awaken inner creativity and inspire women to express themselves in new and exciting ways.

6. Positive Body Image: Learning how to dress in a way that highlights their best features can foster a more positive body image and appreciation for their unique beauty.

7. Increased Happiness: Feeling confident and comfortable in their appearance can contribute to overall happiness and well-being, leading to a more positive outlook on life.


Renée Carrier

After engaging in one of our transformative personal styling sessions, women often experience profound inner shifts that significantly elevate their self-perception and confidence.

Through our empowering sessions, they unlock their unique style and embrace it wholeheartedly, leading to a newfound sense of self-assurance and empowerment.


See and Read what Renée had to say following her session with Giselle




Experience the transformation for yourself!

Unlock your unique style, boost your confidence, and embark on a journey of self-discovery. Remember, Giselle will be delighted to create your unique consultation package, just as she has been doing for her clients for years.

Don’t wait any longer to embrace your individuality and feel empowered in every aspect of your life.

Book now and start your transformation today!

Call Giselle at 514-796-1050.


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If you live outside Montreal, L’Assomption area, Giselle offers virtual sessions.