Sylvie-Ann Fortier

What a great tool! I haven’t stopped using my colour palette. I recently went shopping at Maude’s – the clothing store you recommended. By the way it’s a great place. I ended up buying a suit. Earlier this week I wore my new suit along with the appropriate accessories and finally had my hair coloured (in it’s best colour).

Anyway, I was using a restaurant washroom, where another lady happened to be, and she just went on and on about how great I looked in the colours I was wearing; that everything was in such harmony. Giselle, it works!!!

Once again, thank you very much. I’ve not yet finished making changes to my wardrobe; slowly but surely I’ll get there… I feel reassured now that I’ve been using my new colour palette when I go shopping.

This is all the more important to me as I am presently seeking employment.

Sylvie-Ann Fortier