Aurele Larrivé

How just one day with Giselle changed me for the better…Looking more attractive and feeling more self-assured.

When my sister in law Dina proposed to offer me a styling session to celebrate my 40th birthday , I did not know at all what adventure I was getting into. However, I felt that it would be worth it! And as a result it was great. I literally rediscovered myself! My sister in law heard that little voice in me that resonated deep inside me, but I would keep brushing it aside. Clearly it was time for me to personalize my style!

Several years ago Dina had seen Giselle and she was so pleased how not only that she looked better on the outside but how it gave her more confidence about herself….She knew this is what I needed. And this is how I met Giselle Demers. After just one day with her , I was no longer the same . Not that I had become another person, on the contrary, I got in touch with myself. I regained a vitality that I had forgotten simply by wearing colours and styles that was perfect for my personality. I had a wardrobe full of black and grey and I found myself loving my new palette of colors that I had previously spontaneously rejected A real makeover!

In addition, the shopping experience with Giselle taught me to choose my clothes and jewelry, and how to coordinate my colours and styles to create unique looks for me…And how to create my various outfits for all my occassions using the least possible items..

Two essential elements to manage my budget! I learned to do more with less, which ended the eternal morning puzzles….like, ” What am I going to wear today? ” or ” What a pity, I do not have pants to go with this blouse . ” Now everything goes with everything , and I spend only seconds choosing what I would like to wear…I feel I look much more interesting then I did in my black and grey outfits. I am definitely feel more attractive then I have in years.

To all women who are in need of a inner and outer transformation…Just one day with Giselle is a you need!

PS A few weeks after my adventure with Giselle, I started thinking about what I would put in my suitcase (vacation), and I realized she was absolutely right that my 12 pieces I just purchased would be sufficient. NEVER has making a suitcase has been so simple…and now I can travel light.

Aurele Larrivé